Sailing into the Sunset

Few people have the financial means to purchase a large yacht to sail the seas, but many couples have dreams of sailing into the sunset. They see it as a relief from a life filled with duties and responsibilities, but few of them might even know how to sail. For those who take their daydreams seriously, looking into taking sailing classes as a couple could move them further along in their dream. It could take a few years before they are ready to head out on the high seas, but they will still be there once they are ready to cast off.

Lessons for couples

There are generally quite a few lakes, rivers, and ocean marines where sailboats are gathered. Most of them will have at least one boat owned by a person or company giving sailing lessons for couples or singles. Some companies offer a class only on the weekends, but others are open during the entire year. Finding the right class could depend upon the time a couple has available to take lessons, so it might take a few tries before they find the class that is just right for them.

Basic seamanship

Many people are familiar with the rules of the road, yet they might chafe at learning basic seamanship. These are the rules of the water, and their goal is to keep people safe and alive while they are enjoying their pastime. Boating rules are not immensely complex, and most of them can be learned in just a few hours. Couples taking their first few sailing lessons will find that they will need to learn new words and their meanings just to get around the boat, and many educators use that time to add in those basic rules. It is a good way to ingest the information at a pace that will keep both people from feeling overloaded as they set out on their educational journey.

Renting a boat

If a couple manages to get through enough lessons to go out on their own, purchasing their own sailboat might still be out of their reach. There are other options such as borrowing one from a friend, or renting a boat from a local marina. Many are available for hours or days, and prices do vary according to season. While it might seem to be a waste to keep renting, it could be realistic to save up the majority of the cost of buying a boat before making the investment. Renting gives couples the option of enjoying their new interest without the maintenance their own craft would require.

It can be exciting to embark upon fulfilling dreams as a couple, and taking sailing lessons might just be the best way to spend some time together. The two can help each other learn all the important basics they will need, and they could soon be ready to get out on the water. Renting a boat might be a good idea for those who want to make sure it is the right decision for them, and they will have the enjoyment of a fun day or week without the need to do maintenance.